Saturday, March 9, 2013

To Brady。

Having a tour to Brady makes me have a new view and thoughts that we can't get from the books. It is better to see the actual thing in the real world rather than imagining the concept in the books. The tour to Brady let me learn more on how BPO, Call center and the technology involve work.  

When we entered Brady, Brady shows that they very welcome us. I remembered the most is the Doughnut and the drinks they provided.
In the Lecture, the speaker teach me a lot on his lecture. Although sometimes I can't understand what he is saying because of his accent, his lecture gives the students to know the basic information on Brady, the call center infrastructure(I can't understand that much), the role of IT on how does it affect the business, the top trends for 2013-2015(learned Hybrid Cloud) and lastly the key success factor that I think they are trying to apply inside the Brady(strong work ethics, working well under pressure).

For me, Brady is good in people with people relationship especially on their employees. They gave their employees Saturday and Sunday Holiday which change on my thought on a call center that should 24 hours 7 weeks operate. They also provide a place for their employee to  have a rest because they know that some of their employee come from far areas. Also, I can feel the atmosphere inside a company is not heavy, like Ms Karin said that Brady is like a school, the only different thing is that in Brady you can earn money. 

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